Friday 11 October 2013

Crafty fingers - lets cut and paste and create beautiful things...

Magazine cut out artwork inspiration board - Check!

Yeah! I have been meaning to do this for a while, I seem to routinely have many miraculous ideas springing to my mind due to gaining much inspiration from various blog sites - however I seem to then never actually find the time to execute all these projects into reality... until today.
I set up my work station in a small spot in my living room to scavenge out some unused magazines which have various inspiring photography, typology or illustrations to snip at in a way which is relevant to me and creates a piece I can always return to glance at now and then; to help me set myself on the right path of recovery. 

The finished piece of artwork tacked into the corner of my room

Guided by the stars and have faith in the universe

 Want to see the blog which gave me this inspiration and fancy creating one for yourself? Then check out this beautiful little blog spot 'Doyoufancythis'

The variations are endless I believe and I hope you create something beautiful and meaningful to you also =]

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